Games to hook

(8 games) - page 1 -

free game Squid fall guy Squid fall guy

games > to hook

drop_ through the walls to get to the bottom of the level and get to the finish line to pass to the next level. Slowly get stuck to take the money that is on the walls to buy characters or to pass the level directly. Dodge the obstacles to avoid dying and repeat the level.

free game Spider swing manhattan Spider swing manhattan

games > to hook

Use the ropes to get as far as you can to get the highest score possible by sticking to the circles on the walls. If you hit any obstacles along the way, you will lose and have to start again from__ scratch.

free game The jumping ball The jumping ball

games > to hook

Reach the top with the treasure to get coins. Donīt touch the lines along the way or you will lose. When you die you will lose all the score obtained during the live time.

free game Rodeo riders Rodeo riders

games > to hook

It is about a cowboy who must go from_ one animal to another trying to avoid obstacles and expanding the zoo he has.

free game The tractor The tractor

games > to hook

Simulation of an almost real tractor

free game Numbuh four Numbuh four

games > to hook

Numbuh four is on a mission to travel around as many islands as possible while collecting coins and other items to help him along the way.

free game An alien in a box An alien in a box

games > to hook

The aim of the game is to hook the alien with the tweezers.

free game Mine Maze Mine Maze

games > to hook

Take the gold to the wagon with the hook

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