Games battle royal

(5 games) - page 1 -

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games > battle royal

Throw everyone into the water to win. The more you throw and the more you win, the higher you rank and the better the people you play with.

free game Super Super

games > battle royal

Take everything you find along the way to be first. You can kill the others if you have more level than them.

free game

games > battle royal

You are a black hole and as such you eat everything in your path that is not bigger than you

free game Heroes of Mangara Heroes of Mangara

games > battle royal

You are a space soldier who, together with your fellow soldiers, invade enemy territory.

free game Shoot to Kill Shoot to Kill

games > battle royal

A subjective perspective game where_ the objective is to go through the scenario where_ you are looking for possible enemies, collect weapons and minition and avoid being killed.

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